
That feeling you get when you see the girl your ex is dating and realize she’s a lot prettier than you.
That’s the worst kind of fear. That kind of fear sits inside you and eats you alive slowly but surely while you’re forced to walk around like absolutely nothing is wrong because big girls don’t cry.
That’s what the Four Seasons said anyway, and later, Fergie.

Blood and gore and getting lost in the woods doesn’t scare me. Being possessed by the spirit of some haunted child or waking up buried alive doesn’t make me cringe.
I can handle animal attacks, insect infestations and zombies and so can you.

True horror is behind you in line at the grocery store. True horror is the realization that everything you thought would be cool about being an adult really isn’t that great because you to pay for it yourself and then subsequently wondering if there’s anything to look forward to at all.
Real fear is hopelessness.


Happy Halloween.


-because it’s Halloween.

Little Red Riding Hood was sent away by a mommy when mommy had a little too much to drink.
Mommy woke up the next morning assuming her little dear had gone off to school as usual, so mommy had another drink.

And another.

And then, at some unknown time, the phone rang.
It felt like dusk but it could have been dawn.
“What?” mommy answered the phone as her voice cracked. She knocked over her drink and swore at the air in front of her.
“Ma’am?” the voice on the phone pried. Mommy didn’t like the voice, and so she hung up.
And mommy had another drink.

And another.

And then there was knock, knock, knock at the door.
For Red was dead, far beyond dead, you see.
But coincidentally, so was mommy.